English-language meditation group
Are you interested in zen meditation? And would you like to join an English-language group?
Whether you are a first beginner, or a continuing beginner, you are most welcome to join this group.
The English-language group is ongoing, on Saturdays, 11.00 - 12.30 hrs. You'll find more info on https://zenlevenalkmaar.nl/praktisch/
Zen meditation is a practice that gives depth and meaning to your life and work, whatever your circumstances, wherever in the world you are and wherever in the world you are from. The meditation is simple in form, and the basics are easy to learn; to integrate it in your life calls for commitment. Its value and meaning cannot be overestimated.
Our weekly sessions center around the practice of sitting meditation itself. In addition, we will discuss topics like how to do it, also at home; how it works; how the zen perspective can help you during sitting and during your daily life and work. And of course, your questions form input for the sessions as well. As may quotes, stories, books, songs, pictures or poetry.
Zen meditation is an age-old practice that has its roots in India and China, flourished further in Japan and found a solid foothold in the Western world in the 20th century. It is as alive as ever, and brings a fresh and vivid outlook on life. Its spontaneous, open-minded approach to whatever comes up is a basic ingredient in appreciating life to the full.
If you are interested in joining, please do get in touch with me. It will be a pleasure to meet you! My contact details, as well as further practical information about the group, can be found on https://zenlevenalkmaar.nl/praktisch/